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Armenia, Cyprus to Collaborate in Technico-Military Domain

The official visit by the Minister of Defense of Armenia, Suren Papikyan, to Cyprus commenced Tuesday with a welcoming ceremony featuring the Cyprus National Guard honor guard unit and military band. The national anthems of the two countries were played.

Subsequently, a private discussion was held between Minister Suren Papikyan and the Minister of Defense of Cyprus, Michalis Giorgallas, which was followed by a meeting with participation of members of the two delegations.

During the meeting, Armenian-Cypriot cooperation in the defense sector were discussed. The parties conducted a comprehensive review of the ongoing cooperation, and delineated the new opportunities for its advancement, and expressed a shared commitment to cooperation across a broader spectrum encompassing training programs, the exchange of expertise in various domains, technico-military cooperation, and some other matters of mutual interest.

Also, Suren Papikyan thoroughly presented to his Cypriot colleague the Crossroads of Peace project developed by the Armenian government.

Concluding the talk, the defense ministers of both nations issued a joint statement for the media, reaffirming their dedication to cooperation with a comprehensive agenda.

Source : News AM
