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Azerbaijan is Represented at the Traditional Winter Charity Market in Tbilisi

The traditional Winter Charity Market has been held in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital.

In the corner, initiated and organized by the embassy, the Azerbaijani Museum of Culture, the Aliance Youth Center, the “Tea House” in Marneuli, national souvenirs, paintings, carvings, and companies represented by the Azerbaijani Business People’s Union (AZEBI).

In addition to Georgian painters, the Azerbaijani counterparts visited Turkey, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, China, the United States, France, Slovakia, Brazil, and other countries. Many of them have bought carpets, arrow hats, socks and other souvenirs.

Ramel Latifov, a prominent colleague of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Georgia, gave visitors a detailed account of our national treasures, culture, art, and cuisine.

In the Framework of Yarmarka, the craftsmen of the “Tea House” in Marneuli presented guests with examples of samovar rivers, Azerbaijani national cuisine—plow, filling, cabbage, boxes, paxlava, sugarcany, almonds, syrups, and other desserts.

The performance that evening was an adaptation of the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds. The assembly’s collection of songs, such as “Buying Arts,” “Oh Lachin,” and other Azerbaijani folk and composers.

Visitors to Yarmark have tasted delicious Azerbaijani cuisine.

Visitors to the marketplace in Azerbaijan’s diverse, spacious, and rich corner have attracted considerable interest.

Representatives of some 30 countries and international organizations participated in the marketplace. Each participant is represented by a country and an organization.

The funds from the sale at the charity market will be used for projects to be implemented for children, women and the elderly in need.

Source: Azertag
