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Azerbaijan Marking 105th Anniversary of Establishing Armed Forces

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 26. Azerbaijan is marking the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

On June 26, 1918, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first regular military unit, the Separate Azerbaijani Corps, was established. The “Declaration of Independence”, adopted on May 28, 1918, noted that Azerbaijan should have a regular army, establish its own armed forces to protect against external interference, neutralize the forces of the enemy.

The government set the task of creating an army of 25,000 people. On August 1 Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan was established, and Khosrovbay Sultanov was appointed the first Minister of Defense. Later, on December 25, General Samadbay Mehmandarov was appointed Minister of War, and Lieutenant General Aliagha Shikhlinski was appointed Deputy Minister.

Despite that the national army was established in a short time, together with the Caucasian Islamic army of Nuru Pasha, it saved Baku from the Armenian-Bolshevik occupation. These military formations showed great courage in suppressing uprisings against the national government in Mughan and Asgaran. They defeated parts of the Armenian regular army, which violated the Azerbaijani border in Gazakh.

The first military parade in Azerbaijan took place in 1919 in Baku on the territory of the current Museum Center.

Unfortunately, after the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in April 1920, the Bolshevik government disbanded Azerbaijani National Army. Most of its leaders, including 15 generals, were shot on Nargin Island.

The traditions of the Azerbaijan Army, laid down during the period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, were preserved and developed in a later period. This became possible thanks to the serious efforts of national leader Heydar Aliyev. The work carried out in the field of army building under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev made it possible to create an organized, powerful army in our country, laid the foundation for its further strengthening in the future.

Even during the years of Soviet Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev strove with great foresight to train national officer staff because in the recent past, the Azerbaijani Army, since its establishment, it has been subjected to various pressures. The main purpose of the pressure exerted both from outside and from within was to prevent the establishment of an army and prevent the existence of Azerbaijan as an independent state.

During the years of Soviet power, in contrast to the tsarist times, young Azerbaijanis were called up for military service, but they didn’t serve in military units intended for combat, but mainly in construction battalions. The goal was clear – to prevent military education among Azerbaijanis, having a deep knowledge of military science, capable of handling weapons.

Knowing well the essence of this policy, Heydar Aliyev soon after coming to power in Azerbaijan – on June 20, 1971 – achieved the establishment of a specialized military school named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski. He also achieved the admission of Azerbaijani youth on preferential terms to the Baku Higher United Command and the Baku Higher Naval School, as well as to other military educational institutions of the USSR.

In present times, the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski plays an exceptional role in the training of Azerbaijani national officers and in the establishment of the Armed Forces from graduates of that time’s higher military educational institutions. The Azerbaijani servicemen trained in these schools showed unparalleled courage in the first Karabakh war, the April battles and the second Karabakh war.

After the restoration of the state independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, the decision was made to establish an Azerbaijani army. However, those who led the country at the beginning of independence failed to cope with the work of establishing an army even at a time when Armenia occupied Azerbaijani lands. As a result, 20 percent of the lands were occupied, there was a civil conflict, and Azerbaijan faced the threat of losing independence.

At this time, Heydar Aliyev, who returned to power at the insistence of the people, abolished the armed formations and began the process of building a regular army. After his return, a firm belief in victory appeared among Azerbaijani army and people. At his call, a large-scale mobilization was carried out, military units were fully staffed. Inspired by this, Azerbaijani army carried out successful offensive operations and delivered crushing blows to the Armenian occupiers.

The first test of the Azerbaijani army under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev took place in January 1994. As a result of a successful operation carried out by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the night of January 5-6, 1994, 20 villages of the Fuzuli district, including Horadiz village, and Jojug Marjanly village of the Jabrayil district were liberated from the occupation. In accordance with the Decree of Heydar Aliyev dated May 22, 1998, June 26 was declared the Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan.

During the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the process of establishing an army in independent Azerbaijan entered a completely new stage. Thanks to the attention and care of the president, who successfully continues and develops the military development policy of the great leader, improving the professionalism of military servicemen, combat spirit and morale-psychological training of personnel, provision of Azerbaijani Armed Forces with modern weapons and equipment has always been in the foreground.

Thanks to this high attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan have become the most powerful army in the region in a short time. It’s no coincidence that in the internationally recognized Global Firepower Report on 55 indicators, the Azerbaijani army took first place in the South Caucasus and ranked among the fifty best armies in the world.

By the decree of President Ilham Aliyev, a military-industrial complex was also established in Azerbaijan. Over 1,000 military products are manufactured in Azerbaijan. The country’s military products are demonstrated at the leading international exhibitions of the world.

The military power of the Azerbaijani army was clearly demonstrated on June 26, 2011 in Baku at a military parade on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day and the 20th anniversary of the restoration of independence.

Brave Azerbaijani army once again proved its strength in April 2016. In response to the provocations of the Armenian armed forces on April 2, Azerbaijani army inflicted a heavy defeat on the occupiers with a swift counter-offensive operation, liberating more than 2,000 hectares of the occupied territories of the Fuzuli, Jabrayil and Aghdara districts. Besides, thousands of hectares of land came under full control of the Azerbaijani army, which again gave Azerbaijani people the joy of victory in the four-day April battles.

The armed forces of Armenia suffered heavy losses in these battles. Azerbaijani army took strategic positions, enabling to control the roads in the direction of Aghdara-Madagiz and Jabrayil.

Another success of the Azerbaijani army was achieved two years after the April battles, in May 2018, with the victory in the “Gunnut” operation, which resulted in liberation of more than 11,000 hectares of the territories of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Gunnut village of the Sharur district, favorable positions along the state border came under the control of the Azerbaijani army. Thus, the operation to advance the front line of a separate combined arms army to advantageous positions along the state border was completed successfully, the goal was achieved.

At the solemn military parade on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, held on June 26 at the Azadliq Square in Baku, President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev said: “Azerbaijani flags were hoisted on the lands liberated from the invaders in April 2016 and in the Nakhchivan operation of 2018. This is of great moral importance. These flags will be demonstrated in this parade in Azadlig Square today. These flags led our military forward. These flags were in battle. They fly on the Azerbaijani lands liberated from occupation and have been brought here specifically for today’s parade. There will come a day when the Azerbaijani flag raised on the lands that still remain under occupation will be delivered to Azadlig Square and will be demonstrated in a military parade. We must bring that sacred day closer, and we are doing that.”

These words, voiced by the head of Azerbaijani state – the dream of victory that Azerbaijani people were looking forward to, soon came true. The valiant Azerbaijani army, which bravely prevented the Armenian armed forces’ provocations in the direction of the Tovuz district in July 2020, soon gave Azerbaijani people the joy of the most glorious victory inAzerbaijan’s history.

The glorious victory achieved by the Azerbaijani army in the second Karabakh war that began on September 27, 2020, left an important trace not only in the history of Azerbaijan, but also in the history of world military science.

In connection with the prevention of Armenian armed forces’ provocations, the Azerbaijani army, by order of President Ilham Aliyev, launched a large-scale counter-offensive operation.

Not retreating a single step in the battles, the Azerbaijani army dealt a crushing blow to the Armenian occupiers and in 44 days – until November 9 – liberated five cities, four villages and up to 300 villages from the occupation. This war, which ended with the complete defeat of the Armenian armed forces, ended on November 10 with the signing by the President of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of Armenia and the President of Russia of a statement on a complete ceasefire and all military operations in the conflict zone. Following the statement, Aghdam district was returned to Azerbaijan on November 20, Kalbajar district on November 25, and Lachin district on December 1.

In honor of the glorious victory, on December 10, 2020, a grandiose victory parade was held in Baku with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev and President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Along with weapons and equipment seized from the Armenian armed forces, Azerbaijani state flags hoisted in the liberated territories were demonstrated at the Victory Parade.

During the second Karabakh war, more than 2,900 servicemen of the Azerbaijani army became martyrs. Highly appreciating the heroism of valiant Azerbaijani army, which brought this glorious victory to the Azerbaijani people, President Ilham Aliyev signed dozens of orders to reward Azerbaijani servicemen who showed courage in battles.

A total of 82,670 people were awarded by decrees signed by President Ilham Aliyev shortly after the end of the second Karabakh war, from December 9 to 30, and by the decrees of President Ilham Aliyev dated July 24, 2021 on awarding the heroes of the second Karabakh war, 76,349 servicemen were awarded various orders and medals.

The park of war trophies, which was established on the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, displays weapons, military equipment and battle flags taken from the occupiers, reflecting the success of the Azerbaijani army over the Armenian armed forces.

The historic trip of President Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Shusha on June 15, the National Salvation Day, and the Shusha Declaration signed there are of great importance in terms of further building military power of Azerbaijan.

Thanks to the victory in the second Karabakh war, large-scale restoration and construction work is being carried out in the liberated territories. The heroic soldiers and officers of the Azerbaijani army, who made the 30-year dream of Azerbaijani people come true and demonstrated their military power to the whole world, today, guarding and protecting the liberated territories with the Iron Fist, instill fear in the soul of the enemy.

On the occasion of the establishment of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, a conversation was held with Azerbaijani servicemen who showed courage in the second Karabakh war.

Source: Trend News
