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Demographics Armenia: more divorces, lower birth rate

According to the latest data published by the statistical committee, in 2022 the birth rate in Armenia decreased even more, d divorces re up.

“And 85% of the divorced do not have children,” Doctor of Medical Sciences Armen Muradyan notes.

He considers last year’s demographics alarming and urgent mesures to improve the situation re needed.

In recent years Armenia has seen many signs of depopulation, with more deaths than births. Experts have been warning of a demographic crisis since 2019. The situation became even more complicated in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and the consequences of the Karabakh war.

Even fewer girls born

According to the statistics committee, 19,195 boys and 17,158 girls were born in 2022. A total of 36,353 children were born, which is 270 less than the previous year.

More boys were born (by 138), and fewer girls (by 408).

Divorces have increased

Compared to 2021 the number of divorces increased by 91, or 2.1%, with a total of 4,525 divorces.

Most divorces in 2022 were recorded in the capital. However, compared to the previous year, the largest increase in divorce rates was observed in the Syunik region, by about 44%. Divorces increased by 38% in the Vayots Dzor region, by 10% in Yerevan.

Fewer people were getting married. The number of registered unions decreased by 370 (by 2.2%), bringing the total number for 2022 to 16,795.

Infertility treatment in Armenia

“Alarming figures”

According to the rector of the Yerevan State Medical University Armen Muradyan, over the past decade the number of marriages in Armenia has decreased by 13%, while the number of divorces has increased by 40%.

Muradyan said that in 1992 the average age of women who gave birth to their first child was 22 years old, and now it is 28 years old.

“These figures are alarming, since the improvement of demographic indicators is a matter of national security for Armenia,” he stressed.

He says that if this trend continues and the average age of first birth reaches 35 years, then “serious investments in health care” will be required. He explains that the rate of natural conception at this age is only 15%.

“The World Health Organization considers the 15% infertility rate alarming. In Armenia, this figure is higher – 16.8%,” Muradyan.

According to the doctor, it is very important for Armenia that at least three children be born in each family only “for simple reproduction.”

Source: Jam News
