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Italy Signs Deal to Resume Commercial Flights with Libya

An aircraft departs from Tripoli heading to Rome on September 30, 2023, after the Italian government lifted its 10-year-old air ban on Libyan civil aviation. (Photo by Mahmud Turkia / AFP)

The president of Italy’s civil aviation authority ENAC Pierluigi Di Palma on Sunday signed an agreement with his Libyan counterpart Mohamed Shlebikf for the “resumption” “and implementation” of commercial flights between Italy and Libya, Azernewss reports.

The document, ENAC said, “consolidates the strong relationship between the two countries, defines the framework for the resumption of commercial air traffic and implements the European clauses in terms of safety, security and recognition of carrier designation, without limitation, and fair competition”.

“I share the thoughts of the Italian Ambassador to Tripoli, Gianluca Alberini, who recently stressed the importance of the historical presence of Italian companies” in Libya,” said Di Palma, adding that “it has already been possible to resume connections with (Malta-based Libyan airline) Med Sky”.

“With the agreement signed today, new opportunities are also opening up for civil aviation that strengthen connections and are the result of work carried out, on the instructions of the government, by ENAC supported by AISE and the Italian embassy in Tripoli,” he added.

The joint objective of the two countries is to strengthen trade relations and bilateral cooperation by implementing long-term economic cooperation programmes.

