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Italy XIN: We Applaud Agreement Reached Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Italy applauds the agreement reached between the two countries of the Southern Caucasus — Armenia and Azerbaijan.

AZERTAC reports that it has been reported by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Expressing his satisfaction with the agreement reached between the two countries, Antonio Tayani said: “Armenia and Azerbaijan have decided to open a new phase in relations. Italy will be with them at every moment of the relationship between the two neighbouring countries. With an agreement that Italy has genuinely welcomed, the two countries that have been opposed to each other for years are firmly going down a path that we hope will lead them to a peace that we want to soon be full and decisive. The new phase, which will bring them closer to Europe, will allow all of us Europeans to expand the fields for cooperation and peaceful cooperation.”

Italy’s Foreign and International Cooperation Minister has also stressed that the signed agreement allows prisoner exchanges, a crucial measure to strengthen confidence between the two countries.

“The European Union will still be with Armenia and Azerbaijan in the coming months as they continue their efforts to normalize their relationship with a genuine and genuine peace agreement. I would like to congratulate my cabinet colleagues – Ararat Mirzoyan and Jayhun Bayramov – on their continued work. We had met at the United Nations and they felt that the Italian government had always been warm and engaging and engaging in its continued support for the advancement of their relationship. “Because we strongly want peace and well-being to bear fruit to their peoples and to all Europeans,” added Antonio Tayani.

